Our Tenants
We support the economic vitality of Harrisville by providing affordable rental spaces for residents and businesses.
Historic Harrisville’s tenants enhance the quality of life in our village, contribute to our local economy, and help make our community a vibrant place to live and work. We believe that Harrisville’s economic strength and vitality is enhanced by 1) a diverse population; 2) support for local businesses and nonprofits; 3) affordable housing for the local work force; 4) a thriving store; 5) a resilient and inclusive sense of community; 6) the availability and enjoyment of communal facilities and activities; and 7) support for culture, education and the arts.
Historic Harrisville’s Tenants
Please check out the work of some of the small businesses, entrepreneurs, craftspeople, and artists below.
Andrea Scheidler
Anna Schuleit Haber
Anna Von Mertens
Chesham Consulting, LLC
David Gray Fine Art
Eleanor Briggs Photography
Emily Drury, Princess Pine
Facilitated Change
Flint Hill Furniture
Gwarlingo Studio
Hannah Ellingwood
Harrisville Children's Center
Harrisville Designs
Horse Hill Studio
John Knight
Meryl Wells: Seeing Hand Arts
Norah Gaughan
Pat Spalding
Rebecca Dinerstein Knight
Victoria Burge
Walt Siegl Motorcycles
Weller & Michal Architects
Lily Featherston