About Us
Historic Harrisville has been serving the community since 1971.
Our Mission
The mission of Historic Harrisville, Inc. is to preserve the Town’s historic significance and natural environment and to enhance the community spirit, quality of life, beauty, and economic vitality of Harrisville as a place to live and work.
Established as a historic preservation organization in 1971, Historic Harrisville, Inc. (HHI) has always recognized that responsible management of the landmark district went beyond preserving the historic buildings and landscapes within the district. It is essential to the town’s heritage, character, and integrity that the people who work in Harrisville are able to live here. HHI strives to maintain the essential character of Harrisville as a small, quiet, vibrant community where a diverse array of people can live and work in a healthy environment. Our focus is on achieving an appropriate balance of preserving what we value about the past while adapting to the future.
Historic Preservation and Stewardship: HHI is committed to ensuring the preservation and stewardship of the Town of Harrisville’s historic resources, with an emphasis on the responsible, dedicated management of the National Historic Landmark district, including its historic buildings and structures as well as the village environment, vistas and surrounding landscapes.
Economic Sustainability: HHI is committed to supporting and improving the long-term economic health of the Town while preserving its historic qualities and buildings. HHI believes that Harrisville’s economic strength and vitality is enhanced by: 1) a diverse population; 2) support for local businesses and nonprofits; 3) affordable housing for the local work force; 4) a thriving general store; 5) a resilient and inclusive sense of community; 6) the availability and enjoyment of communal facilities and activities; and 7) support for culture, education and the arts.
In an effort to achieve its mission and work in line with its values, HHI has the following goals:
To lead by example, rehabilitating, preserving, maintaining and managing the properties belonging to HHI in a way that is consonant with their historical importance, appropriate use, and value to the people of the town.
To act as a resource and advocate for historic preservation and the responsible use of Harrisville’s historic buildings and structures.
To sustain the vitality of the local economy in order to provide employment and a tax base for the town.
To protect open spaces, water quality, vistas and agricultural land in Harrisville with emphasis on lands surrounding the village.
To minimize and mitigate our contribution to climate change by improving efficiency, using renewable forms of energy, and promoting energy consciousness.
To foster and contribute to a positive sense of community in the town of Harrisville.
To use communication and education to further the understanding, interpretation, and appreciation of life in Harrisville, past and present.
To operate in a manner that maintains organizational stability, ensuring our ability to carry out our mission into the future.
Our Story
The 2023 film Red Brick Village tells the story of Historic Harrisville and explores several key questions: Why do the red brick buildings of Harrisville still stand today when so many mill towns were sold for scrap? And why does Harrisville remain to this day a place where people work and raise families? The film was produced by Ann Colony and is the creation of filmmaker and musician, Ned Porter, who got his start working on PBS’s flagship programs, including NOVA, American Experience, and Frontline. You can watch the film below and read an interview with Ned on our website.
Help Us Open Doors
Historic Harrisville is actively working to create jobs, provide opportunities for small businesses, preserve the unique historic character of our buildings and land, and support the people who call this place home. From helping us run the Harrisville General Store to making affordable housing a reality, your gift is a direct investment in the health of our community. All donations are entirely tax-deductible, and have an immediate impact on preservation, environmental protection, and community vitality.
Historic Harrisville, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization for charitable purposes
You can also mail your tax-deductible check to Historic Harrisville, Inc., PO Box 79, Harrisville NH 03450. If you would like to make a bequest and have questions, please email our Executive Director John Knight or call us at 603-827-3722.
We also have a number of supporters who have generously included HHI in their will. If you are interested in learning more about our Planned Giving Program, please contact John Knight, jknight@historicharrisville.org.