Help Us Open Doors
Historic Harrisville is actively working to create jobs, provide opportunities for small businesses, preserve the unique historic character of our buildings and land, and support the people who call this place home. From helping us run the Harrisville General Store to making affordable housing a reality, your gift is a direct investment in the health of our community. All donations are entirely tax-deductible, and have an immediate impact on preservation, environmental protection, and community vitality.
Historic Harrisville, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization for charitable purposes
You can also mail your tax-deductible check to Historic Harrisville, Inc., PO Box 79, Harrisville NH 03450. If you would like to make a bequest and have questions, please email our Executive Director John Knight or call us at 603-827-3722.
We also have a number of supporters who have generously included HHI in their will. If you are interested in learning more about our Planned Giving Program, please contact John Knight, jknight@historicharrisville.org.