
Help HHI Do More

You can make a difference!

Your donation to HHI supports the Harrisville community by helping us to create jobs, provide opportunities for small businesses, and preserving what makes the town special—the unique historic character of our buildings and the wonderful people who use them. Now, more than ever, your support of Historic Harrisville matters: it is a direct investment in the health of our community. Your gift supports the Harrisville General Store (owned and operated by HHI), helps our affordable housing and alternative energy program, pays staff and creates jobs, and funds the restoration, maintenance, and preservation work in the historic district and beyond. Thank you so much for your tax-deductible donations. We couldn't do any of this without you.

Historic Harrisville, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization for charitable purposes

You can also mail your tax-deductible check to Historic Harrisville, Inc., PO Box 79, Harrisville NH 03450. If you would like to make a bequest and have questions, please email our Executive Director Erin Hammerstedt or call us at 603-827-3722.